Discover the importance of teeth scaling at Xpressions Dental Hospital, Chennai. Learn about the process, debunk myths, and embrace a healthier smile.
Teeth scaling is a vital dental procedure that removes food particles, tartar, and stains, ensuring impeccable oral hygiene. Regular scaling maintains teeth health without affecting integrity, done without anaesthesia.
Plaque, a blend of food particles and bacteria, leads to gum infections. Brushing alone isn't enough. Calculus forms, requiring teeth scaling—a defence against tooth loss and gum issues.
Gap Increase Myth:Scaling uncovers hidden areas, removing tartar.
Weakness Fallacy:Scaling doesn't weaken teeth; it eliminates tartar's negative impact.
Sensitivity Misconception:Temporary sensitivity indicates healthier teeth.
Precision Tools:Handheld and Ultrasonic Instruments
Scaling uses two instruments:Handheld and ultrasonic. Handheld tools manually remove plaque and tartar. Ultrasonic devices combine vibration and water spray, keeping teeth intact.
Scaling removes tartar above and below the gum line. Ultrasonic tools are effective and safe. Observe your dentist's assessment post-scaling. For best results, consider biannual cleaning.
Visit Xpressions Dental Hospital in the heart of Medavakkam, Chennai, every six months. Expert dentists determine scaling need, maintaining oral health. Don't overlook scaling if you struggle with plaque—maintain health with biannual scaling.
Unlock radiant oral health through teeth scaling at Xpressions Dental Hospital. Experience dental care excellence.